The calculation of hangpoints to the airframe GRS 6-600 SD Speedy FF

GRS 6/600SD Speedy FF

x= Max.Speed in opening VNE - km/h
y= Dynamic opening shock - power kN

curve 1 90 190 280 380 speed km/h
22,8 23,0 24,2 30,8 power kN
curve 2 90 190 280 400 speed km/h
22,1 22,3 23,2 32,0 power kN

Descending at AMSL 1500m

GRS 6/600SD Speedy FF 380 Km/H. Atest ASTM 2316-12
curve 1 - 600 kg ... 7,3 m/sec.

GRS 6/600SD Speedy FF 400 Km/H* 39klapek
curve 2 - 600 kg ... 7,5 m/sec.

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