Soft pack

Montážní sestava výtažného systému

  1. Inner container with canopy
  2. Drawing sling – protected against UVR
  3. Firm stirrup – mailone
  4. Container
  5. Hanging loops of chute lines
  6. Chute lines
  7. Springy O rings
  8. Drawing sling
  9. Sealing of sling
  10. Mailone hanging of engine and container
  11. Hanging slings of engine and container
  12. Engine URM-1
  13. Laminate lid
  14. Canopy in inner container
  15. Braking little chute of engine
  16. Loop of braking chute

Integrovaný kontajner GRS










Max allowed cover resistance: by applying 25 kg static load in the place where rocket hits the cover, the 25 kg load has to release the cover in the moment of application.

    Třída 1. máje 24a
    460 07 Liberec 3
    Czech Republic
    EU flag

  • Monday - Friday: 8:00-15:00
    IČ: 227 74 025
    DIČ: CZ22774025
    tel./fax: ++420 48 510 44 92
    mobil: ++420 775 16 31 61

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  • Instruction for fireman and rescuers

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